Impala’s client was renovating her substantial home in a leafy suburb in Sydney. She wanted to update her old kitchen which was dark and impractical. The kitchen was a typical U-shape and Impala worked with the existing space to design a new, light and functional kitchen. The brief was to design a provincial style kitchen with light hues and traditional design features. To meet the brief, corbels, columns, door profile and capping were designed to the client’s specifications. Impala built a mantle to house the large gas stove selected and cut a servery into the dining room wall so that plates and food may be passed through from the kitchen. Several warm-coloured slabs of cashmere granite were installed on the bench tops, the bench profile was kept to a simple pencil round edge to balance the other kitchen design elements. The walls were painted a stone-taupe in keeping with the bench top and feature tile hues.